Cooldown bar shows cooldowns universally available as well as spec aware spells.When you open the TMW config it looks very daunting, I have tons of bars all over, but in execution there should be 3 main visible things: cooldown bar, enemy reaction bar, and what you should be casting bar. Copy and paste the below string in to the bottom line.Right click on one of the boxes to open the config window.I also hope it generates enough interest to fuel new ideas. It certainly isn’t perfect, so feedback is always welcome and I’m always making tweaks to this.

Regardless, below is the fruit of my labor. Interestingly enough, fire had become either a lot more complicated since Cat or I was never good to begin with. A few patches later I flipped to fire and went to work setting up a fire spec. Through much experimentation and iteration I devised a straightforward frost priority. That setup was fairly complex but I started out on replicating this back when I was a frost mage. I did some searching and found that some blood DK had created what was basically a spell priority list based on the state his character was in so he always knew exactly what he should be casting at any moment. But what was really amazing was the amount of conditional events you could track to create icons. Now strictly from wanting to track buffs/debuffs as I said above, you can do that easily. Fed up with PA not being updated, I started seeking out alternatives and stumbled on TellMeWhen. What was interesting about PA was that I used it only to track somewhat minor things, various buffs and debuffs on me or my target. So for a long while PowerAuras was broken for me.